Dreams Team Members


Erik Swenson

Dreams Founder & Director, Event and Program Leader and Practitioner

Passionate… inspiring… deeply caring of all… intriguingly insightful…playful… exceptionally adept at identifying perspectives capable of unlocking the limitless abilities within them and articulating them in clear, positive and supportive language that empowers all who choose to experience the aspects of their life they desire differently…

Each of us is as unique as we are gifted and the blend of each of the above, the expansive life experiences and world travels Erik has experienced, his pursuit and exploration of the essence of humanity, life and paradigms of the past and today, his profound inner-connectedness, peace, awareness and his soulful desire to assist others in creating and living the life of their dreams together uniquely position Erik to be the Founder and Director of Dreams Life & Wellness Center, as well as a presenter and practitioner of the ever expanding events, programs and services Dreams offers.

Erik has maintained an intentful balance since long before the words of how to do so existed within him, he was raised in Western perspectives, he spent decades of his life deeply immersed in the Christian faith and he has achieved an ever expanded richness in his life by recognizing the alignment of Eastern spiritual perspectives of love, gratitude, peace, the Oneness in which all exist and the ability each of us has to create the lives we desire with the life and teachings of Jesus and Buddha and so many others and choosing to live his life in harmony with these perspectives.

Add to this Erik’s 30+ year career as a business person and entrepreneur, 20+ years of leadership of church youth programs, 20 more as the coach of his sons and more recently his granddaughter’s soccer teams, 25+ years as a Reiki healing practitioner, 10 years as a Certified Life Coach, a multi-decade background of speaking, leading and/or presenting at literally hundreds of programs, events and workshops focused on improving the lives of those in attendance and it becomes clear Erik’s background, life experiences and inner alignment uniquely position him to be of potential benefit to others.

Erik truly believes that “We are never any further than a single perspective away from experiencing whatever aspect of our life we desire differently”; the sharing of such perspectives and walking with people through their life journeys are two of the key elements of all of the events, programs and services provided by Erik and others at Dreams Life & Wellness Center toward the goal of assisting participants in truly living the life of their dreams.

As there’s no such thing as an accident, as you have found your way to this website perhaps one or more Dreams experiences with Erik or others could be the catalyst to achieving whatever it is you desire in your life.

Linda Kiriakopoulos Frank

Dreams Co-Director, Event and Program Leader & Practitioner

Linda Kiriakopoulos Frank, E-CYT300, BA Psychology, Child Psychology
Linda is a Certified Yoga Instructor, who graduated and holds her 200 hour though FYB Yoga (Feel Your Best) Yoga, which is recognized through Yoga Alliance. She also has hundreds of continuous hours of teaching, training and education, and has been teaching for over 10 years which makes her an Experienced Yoga Teacher, (E-CYT). FYB Yoga is an eclectic mix of 3 disciplines of the Krishnamacharya lineage; Iyengar Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga and Viniyoga. FYB also focus on pain management and Yoga Therapy.

Linda also has her bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a children’s emphasis, which is tied into her own business, OSY (Ocean Shore Yoga). OSY teaches private and group yoga to many demographics including adults, children and even Dog Yoga! She also teaches a variety of different types of Yoga, such as Aerial, pre-natal, partner, hot Yoga and Paddle Board Yoga.  Linda has been studying the physical practice of yoga since 1997, but has been involved with the overall practice long before that.

The idea of her yoga teaching is that it is accessible to all. It is very non-intimidating and individualized. So regardless of where you at in your practice; beginner, intermediate, advanced, old or young, medical conditions or pregnancy; there are modifications or advancements that can be done to suit any person as an individual.

Linda is also an avid professional photographer, who photographs all occasions including the beautiful art of yoga.

Patricia Corrigan Culotti

Patricia Corrigan Culotti, BSA, CTI, MTF is co-founder of Enhancing Balance and consults with local hospitals and healthcare organizations to introduce ancient healing arts into mainstream medicine. Pat has been teaching and studying traditional Yang style Tai Chi and Qigong since 1977. She has taught tai chi to diverse special populations including Veteran’s, Parkinson’s patients, the frail elderly and more through UW Research project, VA Medical Center, Aurora Health Care Systems, ProHealth and others in the Milwaukee area. As a highly qualified instructor, Pat has received certifications to teach from Michael Milewski of the Tai Chi Center of Milwaukee, Masters Benjamin Lo and William C. C. Chen. Pat’s ability to train and certify health care professionals in Tai Chi Fundamentals® (TCF) comes from her Master Instructor Certification from author, Tricia Yu, in this discipline. She is also a certified Range of Motion (ROM) Dance instructor. Pat is a featured model of Tai Chi postures for “Tai Chi Mind and Body” by Yu (DK Publishing, London). She teaches Cheng Man-Ch’ing form internationally.
Culotti’s expertise is in teaching students, of all capabilities, how to joyfully integrate mind-body practices into everyday life. She teaches at a variety of locations around the Milwaukee area and enjoys enhancing balance in many people’s lives.