Dreams Life & Wellness Center; Who, What and Why

by | Oct 17, 2017 | 3 comments

Imagine being born into a world in which your awareness of who you are is as complete as complete can be… endless love… endless light… endless peace… a Divine creation who is one with all Divine creations and the eternally loving consciousness/spirit that is the source of all that ever has been, that exists today or that will ever come to be…

Then fresh from your 9 month water-based initiation into life in human form in which you have basked in peace, love, warmth and wholeness while all of your physicality came to be with no effort on your part just as all of your needs were equally effortlessly met you awaken to a barrage of sights and sounds and temperatures and smells and tactile experiences and endless new and different stimuli far beyond that which you experienced in the earliest days of your ever so wet and warm human existence…

Then soon after and for many years that follow a progressively ever expanding downloading of thoughts, ideas and perspectives shared by parents and family and friends and later institutions of education and religion and government and media and society and peers about who we are and aren’t, who others are and aren’t, what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong, which others are good and which others are bad, how one is supposed to do things and how one is not, how random stimulus outside of us determine whether we or others are smart or dumb, whether we are loved or of value as we are or not, whether there is a Creator at the source of all and whether who we are and/or how we have lived our lives pleases this being or somehow falls short of what this presence expects of us…

Whew… perhaps a bit more of a colorful caricature of human existence for many… and yet in alignment to varying degrees with what most have experienced in the past…

And what happened to the innocence of this blessed being… to the blessed states of peace and love and purity of existence it was immersed within those first 9 months… full awareness and connection within with all needs being so lovingly and effortlessly provided as the Divine consciousness of life itself orchestrates our existence and prepares us for our magical human journey…

Many layers most have experienced in their lives that moved us far from this place of wholeness and oneness in which all who have come forth existed within…

And yet how uniquely perfect each such combination of layers prepares us for the once in an eternity human journeys we have come forth to embark upon…

And as we begin to understand all that was shared with us both others were not truths yet instead the perspectives of those who shared them we begin to awaken and become empowered to determine what we define to be our truths… initially including our awareness of the Divine beings we truly are exactly as we are… and as our expanded awareness leads us to realize we came forth not to be like all others rather to be who we are in the most awesome and amazing way possible we are then able to determine who we choose to be each and every new day of our existence, what feels in alignment within us and what does not and how it is we choose to live our lives as a result…

And we celebrate the successes and victories and the ever more seemingly good things that happen within and around us…

And as we continue to grow as we walk our path we no longer choose to focus on things that did not bring us happiness or joy or were painful for us to experience… for we come to recognize the role these experiences have in assisting us in determining what we now desire… and so we instead shift our focus to our new desires as we become aware that our lives unfold in perfect alignment with the thoughts, beliefs and perspectives we hold within us and the action steps we take…

For the engaging of the conscious creation process this is… the seeds of which becomes ever more fed and nourished as we choose to sew fields of gratitude and love for them to grown within…

That is the essence of the Dreams mission; providing an endless flow of Events and Programs and Services capable of assisting those desire to experience their life differently in peeling the onion of their lives… releasing layer after layer of that which was downloaded into us long before we were capable of filtering out that which did not feel in alignment within us… with each new layer removed opening the door to an ever more joyful, loving and peace-filled day to day life experience.

That’s the who of who we are, that’s what we do and that’s why we’re here…

We see the beauty and joy and love and light and affirm the preciousness of each and every person who walks through our door or otherwise connects with us from throughout the world… we are happy to hear their story and to provide Events, Programs and Services that assist in releasing tethers from the past that no longer serve, defining what each now chooses to be, to do or to have as a result of all they have experienced and to walk with them as they become empowered to manifest the life of their Dreams that each uniquely desires.

Love who we are I do… love seeing the love and light in all and sharing ever more with others in each new day through Dreams Life & Wellness Center…

In closing please know that all of the Dreams team members and I so very much looking forward to sharing whatever aspects of your life journey that you desire with you… and to witnessing the majesty of all of your Dreams coming true…

In eternal joy, love and gratitude for life and for you too,

Erik Swenson
Founder and Director
Dreams Life & Wellness Center


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The ability to live our Dreams exists within us all;

all that we offer is to assist YOU in living yours

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